Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting


IDAPython is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tedious or complicated reverse engineering tasks. While much has been written about using IDAPython to simplify basic reversing tasks, little has been written about using IDAPython to assist in auditing binaries for vulnerabilities. Since this is not a new idea (Halvar Flake presented on automating vulnerability research with IDA scripting in 2001), it is a bit surprising that there is not more written on this topic. This may be partially a result of the increasing complexity required to perform exploitation on modern operating systems. However, there is still a lot of value in being able to automate portions of the vulnerability research process.

In this post we will begin to describe using basic IDAPython techniques to detect dangerous programming constructs which often result in stack-buffer overflows. Throughout this blog post, I will be walking through automating the detection of a basic stack-buffer overflow using the “ascii_easy” binary from While this binary is small enough to manually reverse in its entirety, it serves as a good educational example whereby the same IDAPython techniques can be applied to much larger and more complex binaries.

Getting Started

Before we start writing any IDAPython, we must first determine what we would like our scripts to look for. In this case, I have selected a binary with one of the most simple types of vulnerabilities, a stack-buffer overflow caused by using `strcpy` to copy a user-controlled string into a stack-buffer. Now that we know what we are looking for, we can begin to think about how to automate finding these types of vulnerabilities.

For our purposes here, we will break this down into two steps:

1. Locating all function calls that may cause the stack-buffer overflow (in this case `strcpy`)
2. Analyzing usages of function calls to determine whether a usage is “interesting” (likely to cause an exploitable overflow)

Locating Function Calls

In order to find all calls to the `strcpy` function, we must first locate the `strcpy` function itself. This is easy to do with the functionality provided by the IDAPython API. Using the code snippet below we can print all function names in the binary:

for functionAddr in Functions():    

Running this IDAPython script on the ascii_easy binary gives us the following output. We can see that all of the function names were printed in the output window of IDA Pro.  


Next, we add code to filter through the list of functions in order to find the `strcpy` function that is of interest to us. Using simple string comparisons will do the trick here. Since we oftentimes deal with functions that are similar, but slightly differing names (such as `strcpy` vs `_strcpy` in the example program) due to how imported functions are named, it is best to check for substrings rather than exact strings.

Building upon our previous snippet, we now have the following code:

for functionAddr in Functions():    
    if “strcpy” in GetFunctionName(functionAddr):        
        print hex(functionAddr)

Now that we have the function that we are interested in, we have to identify all locations where it is called. This involves a couple of steps. First we get all cross-references to `strcpy` and then we check each cross-reference to find which cross references are actual `strcpy` function calls. Putting this all together gives us the piece of code below:

for functionAddr in Functions():    
    # Check each function to look for strcpy        
    if "strcpy" in GetFunctionName(functionAddr): 
        xrefs = CodeRefsTo(functionAddr, False)                
        # Iterate over each cross-reference
        for xref in xrefs:                            
            # Check to see if this cross-reference is a function call                            
            if GetMnem(xref).lower() == "call":           
                print hex(xref)

Running this against the ascii_easy binary yields all calls of `strcpy` in the binary. The result is shown below:


Analysis of Function Calls

Now, with the above code, we know how to get the addresses of all calls to `strcpy` in a program. While in the case of the ascii_easy application there is only a single call to `strcpy` (which also happens to be vulnerable), many applications will have a large number of calls to `strcpy` (with a large number not being vulnerable) so we need some way to analyze calls to `strcpy` in order to prioritize function calls that are more likely to be vulnerable.

One common feature of exploitable buffers overflows is that they oftentimes involve stack buffers. While exploiting buffer overflows in the heap and elsewhere is possible, stack-buffer overflows represent a simpler exploitation path.

This involves a bit of analysis of the destination argument to the strcpy function. We know that the destination argument is the first argument to the strcpy function and we are able to find this argument by going backwards through the disassembly from the function call. The disassembly of the call to strcpy is included below.


In analyzing the above code, there are two ways that one might find the destination argument to the _strcpy function. The first method would be to rely on the automatic IDA Pro analysis which automatically annotates known function arguments. As we can see in the above screenshot, IDA Pro has automatically detected the “dest” argument to the _strcpy function and has marked it as such with a comment at the instruction where the argument is pushed onto the stack.

Another simple way to detect arguments to the function would be to move backwards through the assembly, starting at the function call looking for “push” instructions. Each time we find an instruction, we can increment a counter until we locate the index of the argument that we are looking for. In this case, since we are looking for the “dest” argument that happens to be the first argument, this method would halt at the first instance of a “push” instruction prior to the function call.

In both of these cases, while we are traversing backwards through the code, we are forced to be careful to identify certain instructions that break sequential code flow. Instructions such as “ret” and “jmp” cause changes in the code flow that make it difficult to accurately identify the arguments. Additionally, we must also make sure that we don’t traverse backwards through the code past the start of the function that we are currently in. For now, we will simply work to identify instances of non-sequential code flow while searching for the arguments and halt the search if any instances of non-sequential code flow is found.

We will use the second method of finding arguments (looking for arguments being pushed to the stack). In order to assist us in finding arguments in this way, we should create a helper function. This function will work backwards from the address of a function call, tracking the arguments pushed to the stack and return the operand corresponding to our specified argument.

So for the above example of the call to _strcpy in  ascii_easy, our helper function will return the value “eax” since the “eax” register stores the destination argument of strcpy when it is pushed to the stack as an argument to _strcpy. Using some basic python in conjunction with the IDAPython API, we are able to build a function that does that as shown below.

def find_arg(addr, arg_num):
   # Get the start address of the function that we are in
   function_head = GetFunctionAttr(addr, idc.FUNCATTR_START)    
   steps = 0
   arg_count = 0
   # It is unlikely the arguments are 100 instructions away, include this as a safety check
   while steps < 100:    
       steps = steps + 1
       # Get the previous instruction
       addr = idc.PrevHead(addr)  
       # Get the name of the previous instruction
       op = GetMnem(addr).lower()         
       # Check to ensure that we haven’t reached anything that breaks sequential code flow        
       if op in ("ret", "retn", "jmp", "b") or addr < function_head:
       if op == "push":
           arg_count = arg_count + 1
           if arg_count == arg_num:
               # Return the operand that was pushed to the stack
               return GetOpnd(addr, 0) 

Using this helper function we are able to determine that the “eax” register was used to store the destination argument prior to calling _strcpy. In order to determine whether eax is pointing to a stack buffer when it is pushed to the stack we must now continue to try to track where the value in “eax” came from. In order to do this, we use a similar search loop to that which we used in our previous helper function:

# Assume _addr is the address of the call to _strcpy 
# Assume opnd is “eax” 
# Find the start address of the function that we are searching in
function_head = GetFunctionAttr(_addr, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
addr = _addr 
while True:
   _addr = idc.PrevHead(_addr)
   _op = GetMnem(_addr).lower()    
   if _op in ("ret", "retn", "jmp", "b") or _addr < function_head:
   elif _op == "lea" and GetOpnd(_addr, 0) == opnd:
       # We found the destination buffer, check to see if it is in the stack
       if is_stack_buffer(_addr, 1):
           print "STACK BUFFER STRCOPY FOUND at 0x%X" % addr
   # If we detect that the register that we are trying to locate comes from some other register
   # then we update our loop to begin looking for the source of the data in that other register
   elif _op == "mov" and GetOpnd(_addr, 0) == opnd:
       op_type = GetOpType(_addr, 1)
       if op_type == o_reg:
           opnd = GetOpnd(_addr, 1)
           addr = _addr

In the above code we perform a backwards search through the assembly looking for instructions where the register that holds the destination buffer gets its value. The code also performs a number of other checks such as checking to ensure that we haven’t searched past the start of the function or hit any instructions that would cause a change in the code flow. The code also attempts to trace back the value of any other registers that may have been the source of the register that we were originally searching for. For example, this code attempts to account for the situation demonstrated below.

lea ebx [ebp-0x24] 
mov eax, ebx
push eax

Additionally, in the above code, we reference the function is_stack_buffer(). This function is one of the last pieces of this script and something that is not defined in the IDA API. This is an additional helper function that we will write in order to assist us with our bug hunting. The purpose of this function is quite simple: given the address of an instruction and an index of an operand, report whether the variable is a stack buffer. While the IDA API doesn’t provide us with this functionality directly, it does provide us with the ability to check this through other means. Using the get_stkvar function and checking whether the result is None or an object, we are able to effectively check whether an operand is a stack variable. We can see our helper function in the code below:

def is_stack_buffer(addr, idx):
   inst = DecodeInstruction(addr)
   return get_stkvar(inst[idx], inst[idx].addr) != None

Note that the above helper function is not compatible with the IDA 7 API. In our next blog post we will present a new method of checking whether an argument is a stack buffer while maintaining compatibility with all recent versions of the IDA API.

So now we can put all of this together into a nice script as shown below in order to find all of the instances of strcpy being used in order to copy data into a stack buffer. With these skills it is possible for us to extend these capabilities beyond just strcpy but also to similar functions such as strcat, sprintf, etc. (see the Microsoft Banned Functions List for inspiration) as well as to adding additional analysis to our script. The script is included  in its entirety at the bottom of the post. Running the script results in our successfully finding the vulnerable strcpy as shown below.



def is_stack_buffer(addr, idx):
   inst = DecodeInstruction(addr)
   return get_stkvar(inst[idx], inst[idx].addr) != None 

def find_arg(addr, arg_num):
   # Get the start address of the function that we are in
   function_head = GetFunctionAttr(addr, idc.FUNCATTR_START)    
   steps = 0
   arg_count = 0
   # It is unlikely the arguments are 100 instructions away, include this as a safety check
   while steps < 100:    
       steps = steps + 1
       # Get the previous instruction
       addr = idc.PrevHead(addr)  
       # Get the name of the previous instruction        
       op = GetMnem(addr).lower() 
       # Check to ensure that we havent reached anything that breaks sequential code flow        
       if op in ("ret", "retn", "jmp", "b") or addr < function_head:            
       if op == "push":
           arg_count = arg_count + 1
           if arg_count == arg_num:
               #Return the operand that was pushed to the stack 
               return GetOpnd(addr, 0) 

for functionAddr in Functions():
   # Check each function to look for strcpy
   if "strcpy" in GetFunctionName(functionAddr): 
       xrefs = CodeRefsTo(functionAddr, False)
       # Iterate over each cross-reference
       for xref in xrefs:
           # Check to see if this cross-reference is a function call
           if GetMnem(xref).lower() == "call":
               # Since the dest is the first argument of strcpy
               opnd = find_arg(xref, 1) 
               function_head = GetFunctionAttr(xref, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
               addr = xref
               _addr = xref                
               while True:
                   _addr = idc.PrevHead(_addr)
                   _op = GetMnem(_addr).lower()                    
                   if _op in ("ret", "retn", "jmp", "b") or _addr < function_head:
                   elif _op == "lea" and GetOpnd(_addr, 0) == opnd:
                       # We found the destination buffer, check to see if it is in the stack
                       if is_stack_buffer(_addr, 1):
                           print "STACK BUFFER STRCOPY FOUND at 0x%X" % addr                            break
                   # If we detect that the register that we are trying to locate comes from some other register
                   # then we update our loop to begin looking for the source of the data in that other register
                   elif _op == "mov" and GetOpnd(_addr, 0) == opnd:
                       op_type = GetOpType(_addr, 1)
                       if op_type == o_reg:
                           opnd = GetOpnd(_addr, 1)
                           addr = _addr
Posted on July 11, 2018 .